Online Valuation of Your Private Registration Number

If you would like a free no obligation valuation for a cherished number plate that you own please fill in the form below.

Motor Marks Personalised Plates & Private Registrations will provide a free valuation for your private registration number and offer you a clear sum which we believe represents it's true market value. We base these valuations on over 40 years trade experience in the industry. Should you wish to adjust this figure to your own desired amount please note that this could affect the number's saleability.

On receiving a free number plate valuation, if you would like Motor Marks to act as an agent and advertise the number plate for you please send us either written confirmation or an email authorising us to do so.

On finding a Purchaser we will prepare and advise on the number plate transfer application. If the private registration number is curently on a vehicle then the donor vehicle must either have a current MOT and Tax or have been taxed within the last 6 months. An £80 transfer fee is payable by the Purchaser. Please note that provided the vehicle is roadworthy it can be driven on the road throughout the reg transfer period.

On completion of the number plate transfer your vehicle will automatically be issued with a new V5C with a replacement registration number relevant to it's year and DVLA Swansea will amend the tax and MOT details (where applicable) automatically online without additional charge to you.

If your private registration number is held on a V750/V778 Retention Certificate/Certificate of Entitlement, in order for the number to be transferred the original certificate is required and must be valid and in date. Any transfer fees that have already been paid will be re-imbursed to you on completion of the number plate transfer.

Personalised Registrations Valuation Form

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