Well this Friday 8th May 2020 will mark 75 years since VE Day. VE Day stands for Victory in Europe Day and is the day we celebrate the formal acceptance by the Allies of World War II of Nazi Germany’s unconditional surrender of its Armed Forces on Tuesday 8th May 1945.
Germany’s leader Adolph Hitler had committed suicide on 30th April during the Battle of Berlin and Germany’s surrender was authorised by his successor Reichsprasident Karl Donitz. The administration which was headed by Karl Donitz was known as the Flensburg Government and the act of military surrender was first signed on 7th May 1945 at 02.41 in Shaff HQ at Reims and a slightly modified document was signed in Berlin on 8th May 1945. Most countries around the world celebrate the end of World War II on 8th May.
This year should have seen many street parties and gatherings and special commemorations around the world marking the 75th Anniversary, however due to the Covid 19 all these planned events have had to be put on hold until we can all celebrate when this pandemic is over.
We would like to honour this day and pay tribute to everyone that made this day happen.
Part of the Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s VE Day speech as he waved to the crowds from the Ministry of Health balcony on 8th May 1945 was:
“My dear friends, this is your hour. This is not a victory of a party or of any class. It’s a victory of the great British nation as a whole.
Although we will be staying at home this year to celebrate we shall raise a glass to all those that made VE Day happen we are truly honoured.
We have some cherished number plates that we feel mark the occasion
We all know the saying ‘keep your eyes on the road’ but how often do you get your eyes checked ? In the UK once you have passed your Driving Test you don’t have to have any further visual checks. On your driving test you must demonstrate that your eyesight is good enough to be able to drive safely. You do this by reading a clean car number plate of the old style from a minimum distance of 20.5 metres ( approx 67 feet or 5 car lengths).
In some European countries however you are required to have a visual test every 10 years. Do you think this should be the case in the UK?
Think your eyesight may be getting worse? Don’t delay act now.
We all lead busy hectic lives and might overlook the signs that our eyes are not as good as they once were. You might find road signs harder to read or judging distances may be harder or you may find it more difficult when you drive at night. These could be signs that your eyesight may be deteriorating.
So make sure you stay alert and get your eyesight checked every 2 years. Stay safe when driving.
Here at Motor Marks although we deal in the sale and purchase of cherished, personalised and DVLA car registration numbers browse our database we also like to inform our potential customers and road users of the need to be aware of the potential dangers that you can encounter on the roads.
We have therefore compiled a Road Safety Advice for you to familiarise with, even if you already know, it doesn’t help to read up on it again.
You should always drive with at least a 2 second time gap between you and the vehicle in front; for example:
On a dry road, choose a point like a lamp post or road sign
When the vehicle in front passes that point, say out loud “Only a fool breaks the 2 second rule”
Check your position in relation to your chosen point as you finish saying this. If you have already passed the point, you are driving too close to the vehicle in front and need to drop back.
In wet weather, double the distance between your vehicle and the one in front by saying “Only a fool breaks the 2 second rule ” twice.
One of the key reasons that drivers lose concentration or become stressed when driving is because they are in a hurry.
Remember COAST
Concentrate on your driving at all times
Observe all around yyou
Anticipate what might happen next
Space give space at all times, it gives you
Time to plan your driving
It is estimated that drivers who fall asleep at the wheel account for around one fifth of incidents on major roads, to avoid this:
Plan your journey to include a 15 minute break every 2 hours
Don’t start a long trip if you are already tired
Remember the risks if you have to get up unusually early to start a long drive
Try to avoid long trips between midnight and 6am when you are likely to feel sleepy anyway
If you start to feel sleepy, find a safe place to stop
The only real cure for tiredness is proper sleep. A caffeine drink and a 20 minute nap are a short-term solution
Mental and physical fatigue through working long hours, lack of rest and/or not eating properly or getting de-hydrated could lead to a lapse in concentration, reduced reaction time and poor decision making over safety critical issues.
Research shows that almost 20% of collisions on major roads are sleep-related
Peak times for collisions are in the early hours and after lunch
About 40% of sleep-related incidents involve commercial vehicles
Men under 30 have the highest risk of falling asleep at the wheel
By following a few simple steps, you can help the emergency services get to the scene faster and safer:
When you hear sirens, don’t panic and stay alert
When you see blue flashing lights scan the road looking for a place that will allow the emergency vehicle safe passage. You should use your indicators or hand signals to let other drivers and the emergency vehicle driver know your intent to pull over
Don’t slam on your brakes or stop abruptly blocking the road or a junction
Do not mount the pavement causing a danger to other road users
Wait for the emergency vehicle to pass and watch for more than one. Check to make sure the way is clear and signal before moving back into traffic
Never follow or try to outrun the emergency vehicle. If you do, you will most likely be breaking the speed limit and could also face charges of careless or dangerous driving
Never try to overtake a moving emergency vehicle displaying the flashing lights unless directed to do so by a police officer or emergency personnel
Do you know what the actual limits are when it comes to having a drink and then driving?
Bottled Lager. Drink five bottles and you should not frive for at least 11 hours. That’s 11am the morning after if you finish drinking at midnight.
Wine. If you drink a bottle of 15% wine (just three 250ml glasses) – you should not drive for 13 hours – that’s 1pm the next day if you finish drinking at midnight
Pints. Drink four pints of lager and you should not drive for at least 13 hours. That’s 1pm the next day if you finish drinking at midnight.
Spirits. Drink four 70ml doubles and you should not drive for 13 hours. Thats 1pm the next day iof you finish drinking at midnight.
Cans. Drink five super-strength cans and you should not drive for about 21 hours – almost a full day later.
Check your speedometer regularly
Know the limits – look for signs, especially at junctions
Street lighting means 30mph, until signs say otherwise
Remember, speed limits are a maximum not a target, try using 3rd gear in a 30mph limit to help you stay in the limit
Recognise what makes you speed – keeping up with traffic, overtaking or being tailgated
Concentrate – distracted drivers speed
The minimum penalty for speeding is £100 fine an 3 penalty points added on your licence.
Be aware and stay safe.
From 2018 learner drivers will now be allowed to take driving lessons with an approved driving instructor in a car with dual controls.
At the moment, you can only have driving lessons on motorways after you have passed your driving test. Some newly-qualified drivers take the lessons through the voluntary Pass Plus Scheme.
Allowing learner drivers the opportunity to take lessons on the motorway from 2018 will help make sure more drivers know how to use motorways safely.
The change will apply to England, Scotland and Wales. Learner Drivers will need to be accompanied by an approved driving instructor and the car will need to be fitted with dual controls.
Any Motorway lessons will be voluntary. It will be up to the driving instructor to decide when the learner driver is competent enough to have a motorway lesson. Trainee driving instructors will not be allowed to take learner drivers on the motorway.
The change will only apply to learner drivers of cars, learner motorcyclists will not be allowed to have motorway lessons.
The changes are being made to allow learner drivers to get a broader driving experience before taking their driving test. To get training on how to join and leave the motorway, overtake and use the lanes correctly. To practise their driving at higher speeds and to put their theoretical knowledge into practice.
DVSA will not be giving driving instructors extra training on providing motorway lessons but learning materials and the car driving syllabus will be updated to incorporate motorway lessons.
DVSA will also work with driving instructor associations and Highways England to provide extra guidance and advice for driving instructors.
The exact date for this in 2018 change will be confirmed nearer the time.
The change will be well publicised so driving instructors and learner drivers are prepared for the change, and other road users know what to expect. The Highway Code rules on Motorways will also be updated.
Until the law is changed it is still ILLEGAL for learner drivers to drive on the motorway.
Stay safe and Happy Motoring.
Also don’t forget if you want a personalised number plate or cherished number plate please browse through our online database of millions of numbers
Back In March 2017 a Trio of new Motoring Laws came in.
The first one was regarding the use of Mobile Phones Behind The Wheel.
Anyone caught using one was immediately fined £200 and given 6 penalty points. The new legislation did not only affect using a mobile phone but also the use of any internet device behind the wheel.
The second was Child Car Seat Regulations.
Cushion booster seats will now be restricted to older children only. The change in the regulation means that any child under 4.1 feet tall and less than 3.5 stone in weight must use a child seat with a back instead of a backless booster cushion, however children must continue to use an appropriate child seat until they are either 4.4 feet tall or 12 years old.
The reason is that backless car seats offer far less protection in the event of a collision, particularly in the event of a side-on crash, and could end up proving fatal to younger or smaller children.
Anyone caught not using an appropriate child seat for their car will be faced with a £100 fine, however it should be noted that the new law only applies to seats which are purchased after March 1st 2017.
The third new Motoring Law was regarding Speeding Fines.
Under the new rules, which were actually introduced on April 24th 2017, drivers can be charged up to 175% of their weekly wage. There is a cap of £1000 on minor speeding offences or up to £2500 for major ones.
A three band system will determine the severity of an offence and corresponds to different charges.
These charges are calculated on a percentage basis. A minor offence constitutes a Band A charge.
Band A charges are for drivers who exceed the stated speed limit between 1 and 10mph. So, if a driver travels 31mph up to 40mph in a 30mph zone, they can be charged between 25% and 75% of their weekly income.
Drivers who exceed the stated speed limit by 11mph up to 20mph will be charged between 75% and 125% of their weekly wage.
Major offences, which are for speed limit breaches of up to 22mph and above will be charged between 125% and 175% of their weekly wage.
In addition to the above variable fees for speeding offences, motorists could also receive between 3 and 6 penalty points.
Back in a blog post in July 2016 we told you about the proposed new emissions surcharge for tax exempt classic cars for central London.
As from Autumn 2017 tax exempt classic cars will not have to pay the £10 London Emissions Surcharge otherwise known as the ‘Toxicity Charge’ or ‘T Charge’, drivers of non-compliant cars will have to find the extra funds – billed Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm from October 23rd 2017. Charging will not take place on Bank Holidays or during the festive period from Christmas Day to New Year’s day,
In a decision which has been welcomed by the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs (FBHVC) vehicles taxed as ‘historic’ under rolling 40 year Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) will only pay the Congestion Charge which is £11.50 (for cars) to enter Central London.
Owners of so called ‘modern classics’ will be hit by the Emissions Surcharge. Any car built before 2005 (Euro 4) emissions standard will be liable for the standard Central London Congestion Charge (£11.50 for cars) plus the new T Charge (£10).
To see the full T Charge/Emissions Surcharge Data go to the Transport for London (TfL) website
Today marks the first day of March and it also brings in a new law regarding using your mobile phone.
As from today if you are caught using it whilst behind the wheel you will be fined £200 and given 6 penalty points.
If you are a new driver and have had your licence less than 2 years you could also face an immediate ban.
Previously the fixed penalty fine was £30 but in 2007 the fine was raised to £60. It was raised again to £100 in 2013 and this new legislation see’s the fine increased to £200.
The number of penalty points that you received used to be 3 but this new government legislation has increased it to 6 and as new drivers are only given 6 points for the first 2 years, if they are caught using their mobile phones now behind the wheel they will lose their licence as it will be an instant ban.
Previously in some police force areas, motorists could avoid the points by taking a remedial driving course.
The reason behind this new law is because of the numerous fatalities and incidents caused whilst drivers are distracted while using their mobile phones/devices.
The Department of Transport figures show that there were 492 accidents in Britain in 2014 where a driver was distracted or impaired whilst using their mobile phones. In the past 10 years more than 200 people have been killed by drivers distracted by their phones/devices and the mobile phone was a contributory factor in 43 fatal accidents in 2014 alone.
So when you get in your car, as from today programme the Sat Nav put the phone away, remember the call or text can wait and be done when you have stopped driving and have parked up safely.
Stay safe and keep others safe when you are on the road. Is that call or text really worth it?